Meghan Markle’s three-word response to Kamala Harris news that hints at political ties

Meghan Markle


Meghan Markle’s response to Kamala Harris’s nomination for Vice President suggests she and Prince Harry would be vocal supporters of her possible run to be President.

In 2020, the Duchess of Sussex said “I’m so excited” when it was revealed that Joe Biden had selected Ms Harris to be his running mate during the presidential election, which saw the Democrats oust Donald Trump from office.

Meghan explained at the time she was thrilled to see a woman of colour in such a powerful position: “I’m so excited to see that kind of representation.

“You know, for me, being biracial, growing up, whether it was a doll or a person in office, you need to see someone who looks like you in some capacity.

“As many of us believe, you can only be what you can see. And in the absence of that, how can you aspire to something greater than what you see in your own world?”

With President Biden announcing that he will no longer run for the presidency at the next election in November, Kamala Harris is now tipped to be the Democratic nominee.


Meghan Markle

If she does run, she can surely count on the support of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, with Meghan rumoured to have political ambitions of her own.