Meghan Markle Leaves Palace Aide in Tears After Hissing Incident as She Reportedly Caused Significant Distress to……….See More

Meghan Markle


Meghan Markle reportedly caused significant distress to a palace aide during her and Prince Harry’s tour of Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji in the fall of 2018.

According to Daily Mail’s royal correspondent Rebecca English, the Duchess of Sussex let her frustrations loose on a staff member, resulting in a tearful breakdown.

The incident occurred during the Fiji leg of the tour. Meghan, who was then pregnant, responded rudely to her entourage when she encountered a group from UN Women at the market, despite her prior request that they not attend.

English recounted the moment, stating, “I was there at the time and witnessed Meghan turn and ‘hiss’ at a member of her entourage, clearly incandescent with rage about something, and demand to leave.”

English later observed the staff member, visibly distressed, sitting in an official car with tears streaming down her face. “Our eyes met and she lowered hers, humiliation etched on her features,” English recalled.

Footage from the event shows Meghan leaning in to whisper to an aide before being swiftly escorted away from the market.


Meghan Markle

This abrupt departure led to speculation and controversy, prompting her lawyers to deny that the presence of the UN Women group was the reason for her exit.

They insisted that Meghan had worked with the group and met them again on the island.

This incident highlights the ongoing challenges and pressures faced by the royal entourage and the impact of high-stress situations on staff members.

The episode during the Fiji tour adds to the narrative surrounding Meghan’s interactions with royal staff, which have often been a subject of controversy and scrutiny.